शुक्रवार, 22 अप्रैल 2011

4 जून 2011 के आंदोलन संबंधी सुझावों की लिस्ट

1. कावि  हरिओम पवार जी से प्रचार के लिए सुन्दर सी रचना लिखवाकर प्रयोग किया जाए 
2, 4 जून 2011 के लिए एक रुचिकर प्रचार भाषण तयार करवा कर  उसका विडियो बना कर youtube  पर डाल कर  उसको सभी के साथ साँझा किया जाय
3.सारी प्रचार सामग्री अंग्रेजी व् हिंदी दोनों में बनाये
4. भारत स्वाभिमान फैसबुक का लिंक हर बनर व् पोस्टर में डाले
5. भारत स्वभिमान का मिस कॉल का नंबर बनाये-- done -- 02233081122
6. भारत स्वाभिमान के लिए एक गाना लिखे व् उसका विडियो भी जारी करे  need of a promotional song for BST .  just like waka waka  was made for football world cup .
7) Tshirt of BharatSwabhiman Slogans should be created and made available for sale .
We need viral content to spread n social media. It can be text, image, video.

Some ideas that will work:

Check these links:

We should design some images, videos, content like these covering topics like:

1. Black money

Focus points:
1. Indian black money in swiss banks highest compared to other advanced nations
2. What we can do with that money if it is brought back. Some good points can be taken from http://www.slideshare.net/whattrulyhappened/corruption-inindia2010andbefore?from=ss_embed
3. Post figures like every village would get 100 crores and every jila would get 50000 crores and so one.
4. How we can force the govt to get back the money through BSA
5. BSA facebook/website links

2. Conspiracies and danger to our country
Focus points:
1. For content use this entire article http://bharat-swabhiman.com/en/baba-ramdev-huge-conspiracires-delhi-rally/
2. What we can do to save the nation from corruption
3. BSA facebook/website links
4. This topic can also be made as a video using some template like that of the promo videos made with text and fire effects. The bold titles that you see on this post link provided those can be used as text in the promo video and circulated on social media.

3. 4th June program content
Focus points:
1. What is the satyagrah for ? Just mention main points.
2. What are the solutions BSA demands
3. BSA facebook/website links
4. This topic can also be made as a video using some template like that of the promo videos made with text and fire effects. The bold titles that you see on this post link provided those can be used as text in the promo video and circulated on social media.

4. Scams
Focus points
1. Just in last 2 years what and how many scams took place
2. The total value of these scams being huge, compare it with national budget and show it as a percentage of the national budget
3. http://www.slideshare.net/whattrulyhappened/corruption-inindia2010andbefore?from=ss_embed Use statistics from here.
4. BSA facebook/website links
5. This topic can also be made as a video using some template like that of the promo videos made with text and fire effects. The bold titles that you see on this post link provided those can be used as text in the promo video and circulated on social media.

Videos/Image on the above topics would spread like wildfire on social networks and would get huge popularity for our fanpages. Even if we opt for FB advertisement the effect of advertisements could magnify by a huge extent.

Advertisement brings 10,000 fans
They see viral content
They spread it over networks and bring 3 more fans
Total fans will be 40,000
Hence 4 times more spread
Then these new fans will again spread viral content and magnification effect will go on.

The success of social media marketing depends on the quality of viral content. IAC was simply advertisement driven. If we go for viral content driven marketing we can get much more response from netizens than IAC maybe without spending a single penny on advertisement. Brand value of Baba Ramdev will always help also.

It is very easy to make content viral. We only need content which users take initiative to spread. And for initiative we just need to touch the anger in every person's heart that is coming from scams, etc.

if we highlight scams, money wastage, black money properly, people will definitely spread it on a viral speed.

कृपया अपने  सुझाव sanjay.sansansan@gmail.com  , ankurgupta555@gmail.com  पर मेल करे व् साथ ही साथ इस ब्लॉग के कमेन्ट में भी डाल दे. आप का छोटा सा सुझाव भी आन्दोलन में बहुत उपयोगी साबित हो सकता है .

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